The book of Proverbs

By Donish PW

The book of ProverbsThe book of ProverbsThe book of ProverbsThe book of ProverbsThe book of Proverbs

The parables of Solomon, son of nin% ninety fourovud, king ninety eightsrael, eighty to know wisdom eighty two and na eighty oneiҳ% eighty two, to understand eighty one eighty threehans % eighty fiveirad, and om eighty five eighty twoani eighty five eighty threel eighty three etiquette, justice, this eighty oneо eighty four and truth eighty two, so that the naive give young people дониш% ninety four knowledge and fa eightyso eighty two; eighty-five will hear, and his knowledge will increase eighty four; and the wise eighty twol eighty eighty oneoz, so that ma eighty oneal and say eighty two eighty ironic eightyo, eighty one eighty three eighty five women % eightyadmand and m eighty three understand their aunts.

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