The Book of Purification

By Book-tj

The Book of PurificationThe Book of Purification

The first part of the book that you have on hand is the rules and regulations of the Shari'ah according to Hanafi jurisprudence. Four to ninety-one percent, with eighty-four percent of the authoritative books written in this book, eighty-two, eighty-two, eighty-two, eighty-three, eighty-one, eighty-two, and try your best. to eighty five eighty threeda eighty one eighty two, that the rules and issues of eighty three different six% eighty in simple language eighty three flowing for beginners ninety one, eighty twoo all bi eighty two can enjoy it.

If eighty twoaclifu offer ninety one that eighty five atogie nam eighty three, immediately give it to us Give eighty-five, then we'll get eighty-three. GOD% ninety two ninetyND% ety% ninety eight ninety threeAH ninety oneONY YOU ninety oneOsh ninetyD!

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Hadi�% eighty one ten�% eighty topics: - Fasting - Prayer - Zakat - Hajj


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