Prayer Times

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Assalamu alaykum dear Muslims.

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Prayer time program is a program that shows prayer and fasting times for cities and regions of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The program works offline and does not require a web connection. Both prayer times and d�% ninety nine can be used for the Ramadan calendar (fasting - imsak v�% ninety nin...


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim This program, which is used by% ninety nine, is the most beautiful translation of the Holy Quran in our language,% ninety nine, and the electronic version of% ninety nine.


Assalamu alaykum. If after downloading the program you see% gray ninety nine in the middle of the program and the books do not appear �% ninety nine, then you need to download the latest version of Google Chrome. Open the Google Play Store v�% ninety nine Search for Google Chrome and download th...


A helpful Application with a set of instruments needed by any muslim.Play Store: you need to help me translating this Application into other languages contact me underneath metinkale38[at] or directly start translating ...


Books Translation of the Qur'an (translation: Z. Bunyadov, V. Mammadaliyev) Books by AbdurRahim Muradli: < / p> 1) Islamic Fiqh (Abdulazim ibn Badawi) (translated by% ninety nine: R. Muradli) 2) Commentary on Forty Hadiths (Imam Nawawi) ( translation: R. Hasanov) 3) Fasting Fatwas (...


Translation of the meaning of the Holy Quran and the Azerbaijani language Translation of the meaning of both the Arabic and d�% ninety nine Azerbaijani dil% ninety nine meaning mən% ninety nine - Alikhan Musayev


Audio lessons can be listened to without the web, but other than Youtube lessons Assalamu alaykum dear Muslims.


Muslim's Fortress, Prayers and Remembrance - Translation Tər% ninety nine Alikhan Musayev


By the help of Allah, the concept for this web site was conceived by brothers in the US, who felt a want to provide a free service of this type for Muslims all over the world.Our aim is to assist all Muslims, worldwide, to pronounce the phrases of Allah the finest way attainable, and to make unde...


The Holy Quran.
