SMART Address Book Simple design and high-performance "Dialer

By neos

SMART Address Book Simple design and high-performance SMART Address Book Simple design and high-performance SMART Address Book Simple design and high-performance SMART Address Book Simple design and high-performance SMART Address Book Simple design and high-performance

SMART eighty two eighty three レス帳 eighty one シ eighty three eighty three eighty three eighty one 見や ninety nine eighty one デ eighty two eighty two ンで使 eighty one eighty four eighty one%ninety nineい操作 eighty two%ninety two実現 ninety seven eighty one %eighty two アラ eighty three &電話帳ア eighty three eighty three eighty one eighty one%ninety nine eighty two

OSのメニュ eighty three よ eighty two ninety nine ninety sixの電話ア eighty three リ(標準 eighty three%eightyイア eighty three ー) eighty one ninety sevenて設vert定 eighty one%eighty fourた eighty one eighty one eighty one%ninety three eighty one eighty one eighty one電話 eighty two eighty three eighty three と eighty one%ninety seven eighty one 使用 eighty one eighty one ま eighty one%ninety nine

(※注 eighty four :標 ninety sixの電話ア eighty three%ninety sevenリに設定 eighty one eighty one eighty one%eighty four場 ninety eighty one発着信履 vert 機 eighty three eighty two%ninety two使用 ninety nineる ninety threeとが eighty one き eighty one せ eighty two )

【SMART eighty two eighty three レス帳の ninety vert載機 eighty three

SMART eighty two ドレ eighty two 帳は 標準 eighty one 電話 eighty two eighty three%ninety sevenリケ eighty three ショ eighty three の eighty one eighty one ての機能( %eighty two アラ eighty three eighty one らの ninety nine 信 eighty oneアド eighty three ス帳管理 着信表示 ninety nine eighty信履歴など)を提供 ninety sevenま eighty one%ninety nine

eighty one た eighty one ninety nine ninety sixの電話ア eighty three%ninety sevenリケ eighty three ショ eighty three の機能 eighty one 加 eighty one て eighty one下記の便利機 eighty three が使 eighty one eighty one ninety nine eighty two

eighty five☆★慣 eighty two 親 eighty one%ninety seven ninety three eighty one 便利機能 ninety eight ☆★

■ eighty two ルー eighty three%ninety seven作 ninety/編集

SMARTア eighty three eighty three eighty two 帳 eighty one eighty two グ eighty three eighty three ninety seven eighty one ninety oneの一覧表示や eighty two ループ eighty one 作成と ninety 称の変更 eighty one eighty one きま eighty one%ninety nine eighty two

家 ninety seven eighty one ninety oneや友達 eighty one ninety one ninety eighty three eighty one eighty one%ninety oneの eighty two eighty three eighty three プ eighty one eighty one で 絡先を管 ninety eighty one るだけ eighty one は eighty one eighty one メ eighty three eighty three の %ninety six 信もでき eighty one す

ninety six ninety five ninety four ninety seven 通知機能

SMART eighty two eighty three eighty three ス帳 eighty one 家 ninety seven eighty two%eighty four友人 eighty one 絡 eighty five eighty one ninety five ninety four 日を ninety nine 録して eighty one ninety oneば 友 eighty one eighty one 誕 ninety four ninety seven eighty one 知 ninety five eighty two ま eighty one%ninety nine。

ninety six eighty one 気 eighty one 入 eighty two 絡 eighty five 設定

eighty one 気に入 eighty two の 絡 eighty five だ eighty one%ninety one ninety two表示さ eighty one eighty two eighty one とが eighty one き eighty one ninety nine

ninety six eighty three eighty three vert eighty three eighty two eighty three ル表示機 eighty three

SMART eighty two ドレス帳 eighty two 起 ninety five ninety sevenて、 eighty one ninetyに自分 eighty one 電話番号 eighty two%ninety two確認 eighty one る eighty one%ninety threeとが eighty one き eighty one す。

メー eighty three アド eighty three eighty two eighty two 住 eighty、誕 ninety four ninety seven eighty one星座 eighty one eighty液型 eighty two 電話帳 eighty one 登録できま eighty one

ninety six QRコー eighty three (二次 eighty five eighty three ー eighty two ード)の作成と読vert込

eighty three%ninety seven eighty three eighty three ィール eighty two 登録して eighty one る 絡先 eighty one QRコ eighty three ドを作成で eighty one eighty one す eighty two

QRコ eighty three ド eighty two 読 eighty one ninety six eighty one eighty one 連絡 eighty five へ ninety nine 録 eighty one る機 eighty three も ninety 載 ninety seven eighty one eighty fourますの eighty one 、赤外線がない eighty two マ eighty three eighty three ninety five eighty two ン eighty one eighty two SMART eighty two eighty three eighty three eighty two 帳 ninety two使 eighty one eighty one 友 eighty one 同士 eighty one 簡単に 絡先 ninety two交換 ninety nine eighty two eighty one%ninety three eighty one が eighty one きます。

ninety six 検索機 eighty three

ninety nine 録 eighty one て eighty four eighty two 連絡先 ninety two ninety 前 eighty fourメール eighty two eighty three eighty three eighty two 、電話番号 eighty one ら検索で eighty one ます。


SMART Address Book Simple design and high-performance "Dialer Tags
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