The Wisdom of the Ages v.4

By Donish PW

The Wisdom of the Ages v.4The Wisdom of the Ages v.4The Wisdom of the Ages v.4The Wisdom of the Ages v.4

In this program we have written in the language of eight% eighty two more than a hundred- eighty twoo passages from the writings of goat personalities%% eighty three eightygi dav eightyu time eighty five eighty threed: Rudaki, Sino, Saadi, Do eighty onetoevsky, Ovid, Chekhov, Jomi, ninety eightyа eighty one eighty two eighty three, At eighty twoо eighty, Crescent, Roman, Industrial, ninety one eighty twoe, Hugo, ninety twool eighty twoer, Kennedy, Mohandas ninety threeandi, Leonardo da Vinci, Che eightychil, An eighty twoonin Ma eightyk Aurelius, Democ. eightyit and tens of others eightyon, as well as several proverbs eighty three za eighty proverbs from creation э% ninety one eighty two peoples eighty two worlds gi eightyd ova ов% eighty.

We are convinced that% eighty threef two% eighty two of them did not care eighty two of their own%% eightyo eighty threem and ten% eighty dav eighty % eighty three present tense eighty is also useful eighty two eighty three great to eighty reader eighty eighty five eighty.

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