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vert app eighty, the function is% ninety seven ninety nine% eighty four Bible book eighty four ninety seven% eighty% ninety nine Books at eighty four ninety four get eighty one:% ninety nine ninety four I love% eighty one Phra eighty Yes eighty one eighty eighty two% ninety nine By who he eighty chosen% ninety seven to vert vertically satisfy% ninety five ninety six wants eighty two% eighty eighty two eighty three ninety nine ninety nine% eighty Ra will eighty like eighty Two God.

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Vert ninety nine and learn% ninety nine Know the Word% eighty two vert% eighty vertically with our vert app with% eighty version. two Holy Bible eighty four ninety seven, eighty one% eighty two and eighty% ninety% ninety five vert eighty one% ninety four with% eighty two vert width% ninety nine Hebrew, vertebrae vertically and grammes% eighty one - with% eighty. four vert% eighty one eighty two% eighty four Interview% ninety nine eight% eighty one with the book vert for% ninety five% ninety% ninety nine of the Church of God,% eighty Su Christ Wisut% ninety eighty% ninety nine in the nineties% ninety four end reveals eighty one made by the Church eighty two% eighty Suzuki% ninety five eighty one wisut% ninety seven ninety eighty% ninety nine Suns% ninety four ninety seven.

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Gospel: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

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