2, three classic professions vert, You can choose %eighty one.

"%eighty three.%eighty four.Sand City" provides three three.%ninety three.%eighty five.%eighty one. Industry, fighters% Eighty%ninety five division%eighty%eighty one%eighty one%eighty one has different characteristics,%ninety%eighty four has its advantages,%eighty two is good at close objects% ninety four%eighty four fighters, %ninety eight%ninety four strikes, thick %eighty volume, %ninety one fighting, extremely A sense of %ninety three.%ninety three. He is the best forward in the group PK.%eighty one%eighty%eighty two%ninety eight%ninety four%ninety four%ninety eight �%ninety four�%ninety eight�%eighty four�%ninety five division,�%eighty one has a thousand miles of ice and light impact�%eighty%eighty one�%eighty two�explosion�%ninety three one series �%ninety seven group attack �%eighty ability, single player swipe %eighty� with one %ninety five� hundred, practice upgrades are quickly achieved�%ninety five�%eighty two�%eighty one%ninety three� %ninety eight is strong, %ninety three, %ninety three, hidden, %ninety two, proficient in everything, with %eighty one when installed, %eighty two, featured strategy, %eighty one BOSS is not soft at all, PK battle siege battle, %eighty one%ninety three is absolutely %ninety eight, indispensable, %ninety six is ​​missing, %eighty four,%ninety four, the king of help.

3. Siege of cities and land, %ninety nine and brave %ninety nine all

Dragon City Palace, dangers are everywhere.%eighty%eighty two%ninety four city battle The most %eighty,%ninety seven players,%eighty four,%eighty,%ninety five,intelligence,%eighty five,, a strong,%ninety eight guide,%eighty,orderly,%eighty four division of labor, unified The %ninety three%ninety five pass,%eighty, are the key to %ninety%ninety seven,%eighty, a variety of tactics, %eighty five,%ninety, break the dragon city, go secret% eighty one, demolish the city wall, summon %ninety six to exit %ninety four to die, %eighty four, %eighty five, younger brother, %ninety one, blood splashed on the Dragon City One decision, %ninety eight, enjoy %ninety seven super bloody PVP, %eighty two extreme battle!

%eighty one play system

1, %ninety five treasure system

< p>%ninety five treasure system,%ninety eight,%eighty,%eighty three,flaming sand city,%eighty,and another heavy vert characteristic system,%eighty,magic treasure,%ninety eight,local tyrant’s plaything, a large number �%eighty four magic weapon fragments are scattered in the corners of the game�%eighty four�%eighty four, players must have �%eighty� participated in�%eighty one� play activities, every�%ninety seven� task, dungeon task, hunting BOSS To collect the corresponding ``%eighty four magic treasure fragments''%eighty'' currently offers 10 types of ``%ninety five treasures'' for players ``%ninety'', each of which is a ``%ninety five treasure''%eighty three'' which is exciting and a %eighty four category �%eighty�——�%ninety six�wind�vert� symbol enhances the speed of movement, PK Scud is none other than you; every small amount of stone becomes gold �%eighty two�%ninety four�massive�%ninety one coin, mother Never use %ninety three%ninet y four�%eighty three green soft editor does not�%ninety eight�local tyrant; fixed body�%ninety two means that the opponent�%ninety five can't play, and you have to kill %eighty one and follow your fish�%eighty two�... …All the magic weapons can be upgraded with one click. All attributes are multiplied with each level. The %ninety five pair is to spawn monsters, %eighty, and BOSS, %eighty%eighty one. %ninety four�city�%eighty�PK�%eighty five�%eighty two�神�%ninety nine�%eighty�

2�%eighty�installation�%eighty two%ninety nine system

《Limited %eighty four%ninety nine city,%eighty%eighty four installed,%ninety nine system,%ninety nine, luxurious and diverse, including %eighty five. In addition, %ninety seven has extremely high %eighty one.%ninety six.%eighty two has exclusive equipment for each occupation vert.%ninety nine,%eighty five%ninety seven and %eighty two% eighty five including vert,%ninety nine,%eighty one helmet,%eighty%eighty one armor,%eighty one,vert,hand,%eighty%eighty one shoes,%eighty one,%ninety two,%eighty ��%eighty five chain, vert�, etc.%eighty two are divided by level, every 10 levels: %ninety six, %ninety four, more powerful equipment, %eighty two%ninety nine,%eighty two except for the regular Install %ninety nine of %ninety six, and install %ninety card with %eighty two%ninety nine is more interesting. %eighty three is not cool, %eighty two, %eighty four belongs to %eighty can, �%eighty two��%eighty three��%ninety one�The present is not the same�%eighty fou rHua.%ninety seven light and shadow effect, absolutely noble.%eighty four enjoyment, identity is like%eighty one.

Game highlights

1�%eighty one depth�%eighty two%eighty four original plastic�%eighty�经�%eighty five�

�% Eighty one is the perfect re-enactment terminal, %eighty one, play %ninety five, %eighty four, on the screen, %eighty four is the basic setting, and the gameplay is the same as the original version of %ninety two.%eighty two. %eighty�

2�%eighty�红�%ninety�PK equipment is full explosion

�%eighty four��%ninety nine%ninety five not pk, wild %ninety The main city of six can be %ninety six. Red, the red name death full body outfit, %ninety nine, %eighty three, will fall, %eighty two, original heat, %eighty, %eighty two, strange.

3�%eighty�3D cool to the extreme�%ninety four test

�%eighty five high�%eighty five screen�%ninety two� original music brought to players�% ninety six%eighty one.%ninety nine is a great feast, but %eighty four is still there, especially %ninety five is more than enough%eighty%eighty two

4.%eighty. %eighty four��%eighty four brother is not %eighty two�奇

That is, %ninety nine� voice social calling brothers,�%ninety eight�%ninety seven�%eighty five�会Friends can summon a team with one click, and then continue the scene of %eighty three people and %eighty one discussing the boss.

%eighty three system:

1%eighty players can create or add%eighty five lines after reaching level 65;%eighty three;

2�%eighty�Create a line�%eighty three requires�%eighty one consumes 3888�%eighty three treasure, and the player loses�%eighty five�guild�%ninety�call�%ninety four deduction�%ninety nine �You can create a guild after you specify the ingot;

3�%eighty�%eighty has a new creation�%eighty four lines�%eighty three�%ninety eight are recognized as level 1, each line There is a %eighty,%eighty three length, %eighty vice-members, %ninety five, three %eighty elders, and the rest are %eighty two lines, %eighty three%ninety members;

4.%eighty%eighty one line,%eighty three,%ninety member,%eighty, donate gold coins to get guild contributions, and%eighty three can also increase a certain amount of guild funds;

5,%ninety five, line,%eighty three funds full">

Strong, %eighty four, Sand City,%eighty two, odd,%eighty one, play features

1,%ninety, crowd attack,%ninety four,%ninety one and PK< /p>

It’s easy to kill %eighty, but not easy to make a strong P. %eighty is fierce.%eighty four.%ninety nine cit

By chenzhe

<p>Strong, %eighty four, Sand City,%eighty two, odd,%eighty one, play features</p><p>1,%ninety, crowd attack,%ninety four,%ninety one and PK< /p><p>It’s easy to kill %eighty, but not easy to make a strong P. %eighty is fierce.%eighty four.%ninety nine cit<p>Strong, %eighty four, Sand City,%eighty two, odd,%eighty one, play features</p><p>1,%ninety, crowd attack,%ninety four,%ninety one and PK< /p><p>It’s easy to kill %eighty, but not easy to make a strong P. %eighty is fierce.%eighty four.%ninety nine cit<p>Strong, %eighty four, Sand City,%eighty two, odd,%eighty one, play features</p><p>1,%ninety, crowd attack,%ninety four,%ninety one and PK< /p><p>It’s easy to kill %eighty, but not easy to make a strong P. %eighty is fierce.%eighty four.%ninety nine cit<p>Strong, %eighty four, Sand City,%eighty two, odd,%eighty one, play features</p><p>1,%ninety, crowd attack,%ninety four,%ninety one and PK< /p><p>It’s easy to kill %eighty, but not easy to make a strong P. %eighty is fierce.%eighty four.%ninety nine cit<p>Strong, %eighty four, Sand City,%eighty two, odd,%eighty one, play features</p><p>1,%ninety, crowd attack,%ninety four,%ninety one and PK< /p><p>It’s easy to kill %eighty, but not easy to make a strong P. %eighty is fierce.%eighty four.%ninety nine cit

Strong, %eighty four, Sand City,%eighty two, odd,%eighty one, play features

1,%ninety, crowd attack,%ninety four,%ninety one and PK

It’s easy to kill %eighty, but not easy to make a strong P. %eighty is fierce.%eighty four.%ninety nine city" takes you and runs and PK! Multi-touch, that is, %ninety nine Fighting, ninety three you go to ninety three kill to ninety three ! lore eighty five names bursting eighty two%ninety nine, only eighty one you have a high combat power Eighty%eighty one installs %ninety nine and %eighty is a clever strategy, everyone is %ninety eight, you, %eighty four moves to %ninety five treasure house! Personal PK, %eighty, %eighty four team PK, Variety of gameplay and high freedom.%eighty%eighty two inspires%eighty five.Chang Leach.%ninety three.%eighty four.%ninety two kills.%eighty four.Enjoy%ninety seven top first-rate.%eighty four ninety three ninety three feeling, ninety four ninety seven sincere and passionate eighty five%eighty four brother's affection eighty two

2, three classic professions vert, You can choose %eighty one.

"%eighty three.%eighty four.Sand City" provides three three.%ninety three.%eighty five.%eighty one. Industry, fighters% Eighty%ninety five division%eighty%eighty one%eighty one%eighty one has different characteristics,%ninety%eighty four has its advantages,%eighty two is good at close objects% ninety four%eighty four fighters, %ninety eight%ninety four strikes, thick %eighty volume, %ninety one fighting, extremely A sense of %ninety three.%ninety three. He is the best forward in the group PK.%eighty one%eighty%eighty two%ninety eight%ninety four%ninety four%ninety eight ninety four ninety eight eighty four ninety five division, eighty one has a thousand miles of ice and light impact eighty one eighty two explosion ninety three one series ninety seven group attack eighty ability, single player swipe %eighty with one %ninety five hundred, practice upgrades are quickly achieved ninety five eighty two eighty one%ninety three %ninety eight is strong, %ninety three, %ninety three, hidden, %ninety two, proficient in everything, with %eighty one when installed, %eighty two, featured strategy, %eighty one BOSS is not soft at all, PK battle siege battle, %eighty one%ninety three is absolutely %ninety eight, indispensable, %ninety six is ​​missing, %eighty four,%ninety four, the king of help.

3. Siege of cities and land, %ninety nine and brave %ninety nine all

Dragon City Palace, dangers are everywhere.%eighty%eighty two%ninety four city battle The most %eighty,%ninety seven players,%eighty four,%eighty,%ninety five,intelligence,%eighty five,, a strong,%ninety eight guide,%eighty,orderly,%eighty four division of labor, unified The %ninety three%ninety five pass,%eighty, are the key to %ninety%ninety seven,%eighty, a variety of tactics, %eighty five,%ninety, break the dragon city, go secret% eighty one, demolish the city wall, summon %ninety six to exit %ninety four to die, %eighty four, %eighty five, younger brother, %ninety one, blood splashed on the Dragon City One decision, %ninety eight, enjoy %ninety seven super bloody PVP, %eighty two extreme battle!

%eighty one play system

1, %ninety five treasure system

%ninety five treasure system,%ninety eight,%eighty,%eighty three,flaming sand city,%eighty,and another heavy vert characteristic system,%eighty,magic treasure,%ninety eight,local tyrant’s plaything, a large number eighty four magic weapon fragments are scattered in the corners of the game eighty four eighty four, players must have participated in eighty one play activities, every ninety seven task, dungeon task, hunting BOSS To collect the corresponding ``%eighty four magic treasure fragments''%eighty'' currently offers 10 types of ``%ninety five treasures'' for players ``%ninety'', each of which is a ``%ninety five treasure''%eighty three'' which is exciting and a %eighty four category —— ninety six wind vert symbol enhances the speed of movement, PK Scud is none other than you; every small amount of stone becomes gold eighty two ninety four massive ninety one coin, mother Never use %ninety three%ninet y four eighty three green soft editor does not ninety eight local tyrant; fixed body ninety two means that the opponent ninety five can't play, and you have to kill %eighty one and follow your fish eighty two ... …All the magic weapons can be upgraded with one click. All attributes are multiplied with each level. The %ninety five pair is to spawn monsters, %eighty, and BOSS, %eighty%eighty one. %ninety four city PK eighty five eighty two 神 ninety nine

2 installation eighty two%ninety nine system

《Limited %eighty four%ninety nine city,%eighty%eighty four installed,%ninety nine system,%ninety nine, luxurious and diverse, including %eighty five. In addition, %ninety seven has extremely high %eighty one.%ninety six.%eighty two has exclusive equipment for each occupation vert.%ninety nine,%eighty five%ninety seven and %eighty two% eighty five including vert,%ninety nine,%eighty one helmet,%eighty%eighty one armor,%eighty one,vert,hand,%eighty%eighty one shoes,%eighty one,%ninety two,%eighty eighty five chain, vert , etc.%eighty two are divided by level, every 10 levels: %ninety six, %ninety four, more powerful equipment, %eighty two%ninety nine,%eighty two except for the regular Install %ninety nine of %ninety six, and install %ninety card with %eighty two%ninety nine is more interesting. %eighty three is not cool, %eighty two, %eighty four belongs to %eighty can, eighty two eighty three ninety one The present is not the same eighty fou rHua.%ninety seven light and shadow effect, absolutely noble.%eighty four enjoyment, identity is like%eighty one.

Game highlights

1 eighty one depth eighty two%eighty four original plastic 经 eighty five

Eighty one is the perfect re-enactment terminal, %eighty one, play %ninety five, %eighty four, on the screen, %eighty four is the basic setting, and the gameplay is the same as the original version of %ninety two.%eighty two. %eighty

2 红 ninety PK equipment is full explosion

eighty four ninety nine%ninety five not pk, wild %ninety The main city of six can be %ninety six. Red, the red name death full body outfit, %ninety nine, %eighty three, will fall, %eighty two, original heat, %eighty, %eighty two, strange.

3 3D cool to the extreme ninety four test

eighty five high eighty five screen ninety two original music brought to players ninety six%eighty one.%ninety nine is a great feast, but %eighty four is still there, especially %ninety five is more than enough%eighty%eighty two

4.%eighty. %eighty four eighty four brother is not %eighty two 奇

That is, %ninety nine voice social calling brothers, ninety eight ninety seven eighty five 会Friends can summon a team with one click, and then continue the scene of %eighty three people and %eighty one discussing the boss.

%eighty three system:

1%eighty players can create or add%eighty five lines after reaching level 65;%eighty three;

2 Create a line eighty three requires eighty one consumes 3888 eighty three treasure, and the player loses eighty five guild ninety call ninety four deduction ninety nine You can create a guild after you specify the ingot;

3 %eighty has a new creation eighty four lines eighty three ninety eight are recognized as level 1, each line There is a %eighty,%eighty three length, %eighty vice-members, %ninety five, three %eighty elders, and the rest are %eighty two lines, %eighty three%ninety members;

4.%eighty%eighty one line,%eighty three,%ninety member,%eighty, donate gold coins to get guild contributions, and%eighty three can also increase a certain amount of guild funds;

5,%ninety five, line,%eighty three funds full

Strong, %eighty four, Sand City,%eighty two, odd,%eighty one, play features

1,%ninety, crowd attack,%ninety four,%ninety one and PK< /p>

It’s easy to kill %eighty, but not easy to make a strong P. %eighty is fierce.%eighty four.%ninety nine cit Tags

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