Hebrew for Russian speakers

By Studio AV-Records

How to speak in% eighty in three months? This is easier than it sounds! The experience eighty two of eighty three times and in eightyita in ulpan ninety eight of Israel showed that eighty two eighty three eighty five eighty two e eighty two eighty eighty practice, and most% eighty one have dropped out% eighty onecounters are not able to communicate% eighty one on% ninety eight% eighty at% eighty threep% eighty one. % Ninety eight% eighty three will give% ninety two in% eighty in% eighty to master% eighty% eighty Hebrew% eighty two without much difficulty. Between 30 and 60 minutes a day - and four% eighty one percent eighty one% eighty two a short time ninety two eighty one surprise% eighty two all eightyour% eighty three. The% eighty% eighty one contains the% eighty and the% eighty one, of which the first contains the basics of the language, the second - the development and consolidation of the material for the 1st hour% eighty two and plus the% eighty elapsed time, in three% eighty two parts - consolidation of% eighty twoе% eightyiala% eighty% eighty five two% eighty three% eighty five parts plus% eighty one future in% eighty At all eighty five hours eighty two you are in the most eighty one eighty three eighty four eighty eighty three eighty two eighty one eighty and eighty two in Hebrew% eighty two and, very importantly, understand% eighty two and% eighty two from a wonderful language in% eighty one% eighty threex. Never eighty three ninety eight в eighty and eighty twoа has never been so easy!

eighty eighty three By installing ninety two, you get eighty eighty two% eighty five% eighty three strings. Thereafter, the cost is% eighty oneth of each hour% eighty two and is equal to% eighty two $ 5. The dictionary is included in the% eighty two cost% eighty one% eighty one% eighty three% eighty two additional payment.

Website: www.ivrit.org.ru

e-mail: [email protected]

Development% eighty application worker - Aleksandr Levitsky% eighty Mi eighty fiveaylovich. E-mail: [email protected].

Application developed by Alex Levitsky. Email: [email protected]

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