German plus (free)

By Oleg Kuznetsov

German plus (free)German plus (free)German plus (free)German plus (free)German plus (free)

П eighty "German plural% eighty one" addendum consists of 9 sections:

"Theo eightyia" - section eighty one short text% eighty one eighty twoр eighty three words in eightyabout eighty twoе eighty one п eighty and also eighty one small eighty three words to help beginners to learn% eighty two German.

"Learn eighty one words” - eighty sections for memorizing German eighty five words. Context phrases% eighty one help% eighty two% eighty one% eighty one% eighty two volume% eighty three card% eighty two inc% eighty three and% eighty three will help you memorize a new word% eighty one.

"Writing Words" - section for eighty two eighty practice n eightyavi eighty one German words eighty five words (о eighty eighty four o eightyafia).

"С eighty one eighty two set eighty four times' - section for eighty two eighty eighty messages per% eighty two eighty sentences (syn eighty twoaxi % eighty one).

"А eighty three days% eighty" - eightysection for eighty two eightyearing understanding of German eighty one and eightyaz context eighty one by eighty one’s% eighty five.

"Dictating% eighty two" - eightysections for eighty two eighty eighty eighty writing German sentences and playing% eighty eighty two eighty two eighty two eighty five.

"Pronunciation" is a section for training% eighty #% ei ghty pronunciation of German words.

"Tests" - eighty section for% eighty verifications of knowledge of German eighty three languages ​​в eighty three by performing eighty one special assignments.

"% Ninety eight games" - eightysections for completing% eightyour knowledge and obtaining new eighty five skills in game eighty fourо eightyme.

ninety two eighty two eighty are assigned to% eighty five tasks, during which the user receives% eighty two gold% eighty two stars. eighty and the set of three asterisks is a word element eighty y% eighty one% eighty two makes% eighty one learned. П eighty and e eighty two are German eighty one words and eighty four times eighty are pronounced by the built-in eighty one and eighty two eighty two words ( eighty three eighty is used eighty two % eighty one% eighty one% eighty one% eighty five% eighty one% eighty one on your Android).

% ninety one for more details% eighty eighty to work with eighty; see% eighty two eighty in the Help Menu for the corresponding eighty section.

Currently,% eighty in eighty one eighty five one eighty two:

50 months% eighty one eighty two names;

50 basic eighty five verbs in% eighty four % eighty two;

200 most popular% eighty two consumed% eighty five% eighty one;

133% eighty one or% eighty two;

one hundred phrases for beginners% eighty five;

50 proverbs.

% eighty two is important, each user has% eighty two possibilities% eighty two assigning% eighty two its own% eighty one% eighty two domain dictionaries and% eighty two% eighty one% eighty two by% eighty two% eighty three personally% eighty two and adding% eighty two them in n eighty. Or use the download of additional eighty one dictionaries from the general eighty one dictionaries on eighty one eighty two eighty developer.

And one more little tip: be sure to% eighty two pronounce% eighty one and eighty two in eighty one eighty three eighty five eighty four times eighty three context eighty twoа! When a person immediately tries% eighty two to speak aloud in a foreign language,% eighty three has learned the language% eighty and% eighty comes from% eighty two% eighty one% eighty is% eighty one% eighty two times faster than usual ... Then sometimes you yourself eighty three amaze eighty one, how these eighty four eightyaz pop up eighty two in memory eighty two and)

I wish you in eighty one eighty three successful start eighty eighty three app progress and eighty three success!

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