Hebrew for everyone

By VRG soft

Hebrew for everyoneHebrew for everyoneHebrew for everyoneHebrew for everyoneHebrew for everyone

This item% eighty will help you in a short time from% eighty three hours% eighty two Hebrew without distraction% eighty one about% eighty two daily% eighty five days. % Ninety four for e eighty two for e eighty one eighty two eighty one eighty two eighty three eightyment for learning% eighty eighty two points.

Also in this item% eighty addend it% eighty one% eighty one word% eighty for 400,000% eighty one, but% eighty two help% eighty two during% eighty three% eighty twoеа eighty one ety% ninety eight in Israel. % Eighty and eighty eighty eighty five eighty five eighty five eighty one eighty two eighty three eighty two first results eighty two eighty two, and four% eighty without% eighty one perceives% eighty two on% eighty one% eighty five and respond in a new language for% ninety twoа% eighty one.

1 ninety one more than 60 eighty three lessons for language learning

2 400,000 word vocabulary

3 Nice and int eighty three and% eighty two very simple design

4 Running% eighty two applications without the interest of% eighty internet (offline)

5 Ес eighty two possible eighty one eighty two eighty eighty three eighty two eighty one words in a eighty threedio mode

6 ninety eightв eightyith for в eighty oneвЂ

7 Self eighty three в eightyita

8 Hebrew Dictionary

9 Verbs in uv eighty and eighty twoе

10 Al eighty fouravi eighty two uv eighty and eighty twoа

Study topics:

1.% eighty two names

2. Liter eighty two eighty threeр

three. Communication, ф eightyaza

four. Prepositions

5. Conjunctions, adverbs, particles

6. Food% eighty twoy

7. Character% eighty twof, h% eighty three eighty one eighty twoа

8. ninety six iron to eightyears

9. Animals

10.% eighty three boxes

eleven. П eighty and eightyears

12. Natural phenomena, weather

13. Family

14.K eighty three years, with eighty two devices

15.% ninety fourth, square% eightyty eightyа

sixteen. Furniture, eighty two, machinery, household

18. Work eighty twoа, business eighty one

19. Pro eighty fours eighty one

20. Vegetables,% eighty ones

21.% eighty one% eighty one by% eightyt

22.% eighty one total. Human

23. Human body

24. ninety sevenhealth. Hospital

25. Clothes

26. Bank. Money

27. Settlements, coor eighty three days, mail

28. Calendar

29. В eightyemya

30. Method% eighty eighty two

31. School

32. Adjectives (note to the description of a person)

33. П eighty production

34. Colors, n eighty and% eighty two

35. Mathematics

36. Law. ninety three state

37. А eightymy

38. Ex eighty three eighty one state

39. Television, media

40. Mi eighty

41. Chi eighty one long

forty two. Verbs

43. ninety threeо eightyod. Coo eighty narrowing

forty four. Hygiene and care% eighty oneme eighty twoika

forty five. O eighty two breaths and up eighty one eighty threer

forty six. Hobbies, eighty threeinterests

50. Clothes and accessories% eighty oneе eighty one eighty one eighty threeа eightyы

51. Furniture, household

52. Agriculture% eighty one% eighty one

fifty three. Children

fifty four. Mat eighty. ninety two eighty one eighty two

55. Finance% eighty one, economy

56. ninety eighty twomobile

57. Mo eighty cards% eighty two are% eighty, feel% eighty one are you.

fifty nine. П eightyavona eightyearing

60. Diseases, symptoms of% eighty twoomas

61. Co eighty onemos

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