Hebrew by ear. Training apparatus

By Sergei Lupov

Hebrew by ear. Training apparatusHebrew by ear. Training apparatusHebrew by ear. Training apparatusHebrew by ear. Training apparatusHebrew by ear. Training apparatus

Slova i frazy na ivrite proiznosiatsia v sluchainom poriadke. Vam neobkhodimo samostoiatelno vspomnit perevod, kotoryi posle nebolshoi pauzy proiznositsia programmoi avtomaticheski.

Imeetsia vstroennyi platezh. Bez platezha programma rabotaet kak spravochnik s ozvuchkoi fraz na ivrite i kak trenazher bez ozvuchki.

Trenazher pomozhet priobresti nachalnye navyki vosprinimat ivrit na slukh.

Slova i franzy na ivuch. ... Vam neobkhodimo samostoiatelno vspomnit perevod, kotoryi posle nebolshoi pauzy proiznositsia programmoi avtomaticheski.

Imeiutsia razdely po sleduiushchim temam:

1. Glagoly v nastoiashchem, proshedshem i budushchem vremenakh infinitiv

2. Eda

3. Dom

4. Odezhda

5. Rodstvenniki

6. Vremia

7. V gorode

8. Telo cheloveka

9. Zdorove

10. Ucheba

11. V aeroportu

12. Na stantsii

thirteen. V otele

Osobennosti programmy:

1. Imeetsia vozmozhnost vybora otdelnykh fraz ili razdelov, kotorye vy khotite zapomnit. Dlia etogo dostatochno provesti po nim paltsem.

2. Trenazher zapuskaetsia nazhatiem knopki Start.

3. V razdele Nastroiki mozhno vybrat vremia pauzy (ot 1 do 20 sekund) i odin iz trekh rezhimov:

- tekst proiznositsia na ivrite, zatem (posle pauzy) na russkom;

- tekst proiznositsia na russkom iazyke, zatem (posle pauzy) na ivrite;

- tekst proiznositsia tolko na ivrite (s pauzoi mezhdu frazami);

4. Ne trebuetsia podkliucheniia ok internetu.

5. Proiznosit frazy v fonovom rezhime i pri vykliuchennom ekrane telefona.

Rekomenduetsia cheredovat rezhimy ivrit-russkii i russkii-ivrit. Pri vtorom rezhime frazy na ivrite luchshe proiznosit vslukh.

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